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Recently, we talked about how to choose a marijuana school. We’ve also discussed the importance of quality medical marijuana training courses.

In both, we shared reasons why Cannabis Training University provides exceptional medical marijuana training. While both of those previous articles share important aspects of CTU, there is still much more to offer. CTU is the premier school for medical marijuana training for many reasons.

In this article, we will look at some of the other aspects that make a CTU education so much more valuable. What makes CTU the best medical marijuana training school?

Why CTU is the Premier School for Medical Marijuana Training

The Most Comprehensive Cannabis School

There has never been a more comprehensive and informative education in the field of marijuana. CTU has developed a series of cannabis courses, lessons, and videos that simply cannot be matched.

It is the first formal cannabis training program of its kind in the world on the subject, and by far the most comprehensive. The top experts in marijuana have joined and combined their wisdom to provide this outstanding content.

You can be sure that a CTU marijuana education will provide you with more knowledge and marketable skills than any other marijuana training.

Job Placement in the Cannabis Industry

Having the education is the first step, finding a rewarding and well-paying career in the industry is the next step. When you complete your training and receive your Masters of Cannabis Certificate, you have a distinct advantage over the competition.

CTU provides the education and gives you a step ahead of the competition.


CTU is also the only IACET accredited cannabis college. The master of cannabis program holds 4.2 ceus/credits.

Medical marijuana training school. A laptop with a bud and joint of marijuana on it

Cannabis Training University

Cannabis Training University (CTU) is the leading online marijuana school since 2009 in the world and offers cutting-edge marijuana training across the globe.

Our classes are fully legal and available to anyone, regardless of your area's marijuana laws. The leading members of the cannabis community offer students comprehensive medical marijuana education and provide the most combined experience in the medical marijuana industry in North America.

We've trained tens of thousands of individuals in over 20 countries, providing our graduates with a Master's Certificate and the knowledge needed to grow successful marijuana and find employment within the industry.

Our complete curriculum can be taken when it is convenient for you, and our model allows us to provide that curriculum at an affordable rate. Learn more about CTU and the education we provide, contact us with your questions, or enroll today!

Gavin Kushman. Cannabis strain writer in a cannabis garden
Gavin Kushman

Gavin is a worldly adventurer and cannabis connoisseur, embarking on journeys that take him to the far corners of the globe to explore and document the varied effects, flavors, and histories of both renowned and lesser-known strains. From the misty high-altitude farms of the Hindu Kush highlands to the vibrant cannabis cafes of Amsterdam, Gavin's quest for knowledge spans continents. A recognized authority in the cannabis industry, he frequently lends his expertise to leading publications such as Cannabis Training University, where his captivating blog articles chronicle his unique experiences with different cannabis strains.

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