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What are liquid marijuanas drinks?

Cannabis extracts or tinctures are used to make liquid marijuana drinks. These drinks provide cannabis effects similar to smoking or ingesting edibles.

How are liquid marijuana drinks made?

Cannabis extracts or tinctures are added to juices, sodas, teas, and even alcoholic cocktails to make liquid marijuanas drinks. Mixing the cannabis extract with the base liquid ensures THC dosing and dispersion.

What are the effects of consuming liquid marijuana drinks?

The effects of liquid marijuana drinks are similar to other cannabis ingestion. Depending on potency and dosage, users may experience relaxation, euphoria, increased sensory sensitivity, hunger, and motor skill and cognitive impairment. Avoid overconsumption by starting with a low dose and waiting for effects before adding more.

How long do the effects of liquid marijuana drinks last?

Effect duration depends on dosage, metabolism, and tolerance. The effects of liquid marijuanas drinks usually last 4 to 8 hours and start 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion. To plan consumption, consumers must be aware of effect onset and duration.

Are liquid marijuana drinks legal?

The jurisdiction determines marijuana drink legality. Under some conditions, liquid marijuana drinks may be sold and consumed in recreational or medical cannabis states. Liquid marijuana beverages may be illegal in places where cannabis is illegal.

How can one ensure the potency and safety of liquid marijuana drinks?

Buy liquid marijuana drinks from trusted vendors with thorough quality control to assure potency and safety. Shop for potent and pure items tested by independent labs. Start with a little dose and wait for effects before taking more to avoid overconsumption and side effects.

Have you ever heard of liquid marijuana drink? Or perhaps, you've seen one before, and you've been wondering how to make a liquid marijuanas shot or cocktail. Well, you'd be happy to know it is one of the most straightforward procedures you'll ever know.

The green color of liquid marijuanas is so attractive, you want a feel of it even before getting to know what it is made up of. Some say liquid marijuanas is most refreshing and perfect for parties. Others say it is full of gorgeous fruity flavors. 

Anyway, one thing we do know about liquid marijuanas is that it is one of the great-tasting drinks you'll ever have.

Secondly, a glass of liquid marijuana in your hands at a typical party gathering is most likely going to bring some curious attention your way – the refreshing greenish color of the drink is a perfect giveaway!

What is Liquid Marijuana?

We understand that there's a likelihood that the people who see or hear about liquid marijuanas may confuse it with marijuana drinks. Contrary to many speculations, liquid marijuana or liquid weed – though they may make you feel tipsy if you drink too much – do not contain any trace of cannabis.

The name “Liquid Marijuanas” comes from the refreshing green hue of the drink. Yes, there are drinks made from infusing cannabis with other beverages, but those are cannabis-infused drinks or marijuana drinks.

Liquid marijuanas has no cannabis in it, but it is still worth the trial. By following the easy guide in this article, you can make one at home. 

How to Make Liquid Marijuanas Drink

Liquid marijuana drink is relatively easy to make and packs a punch too. So you might want to check how much of it you imbibe at the end of the day.

Okay, here we go!

Ingredients Needed

Further down we'll mention the recipes for a few different versions of this cocktail. But ideally, you can choose for yourself.

  • Half ounce of blue curacao
  • Half ounce of Midori
  • Half ounce of part spiced rum
  • Half ounce of part Malibu
  • Half ounce of part sweet and sour mix
  •  Half ounce of Jim Beam
  • Half ounce of tequila
  • Ice
  • Add cannabis infused alcohol if you have it


Here are the essential items you'll need for the procedure.

  1. A shaker: this is for shaking the drink after mixing.
  2. A tall glass: A glass capable of holding 6-8 ounces of cocktails. A good example is Collins glass.


Fill the Collins glass with ice. Let it stop at about ¾ of the capacity of the glass. Now, pour your blue curacao, Midori, spiced rum, Malibu, Jim Beam, sweet and sour mix, and the tequila to continue.

Liquid marijuana drink in a shot glass with lemon slice.

If you are using pineapple juice, you may also add it at this time. Then shake thoroughly. Shaking ensures the proper combination of all the ingredients in the glass.

Next, enjoy your liquid marijuanas drink!

Knowing Your Ingredients

  • Blue Curacao: It is a bright bluish-colored liquor that tastes like oranges and contributes to the drink's bright color and savory tastes.
  • Midori: This is a melon-flavored liquor with low alcohol content. You can use it to temper the alcohol content in your cocktail mix.
  • Spiced rum: Rum adds character to your drinks. It is a liquor that can add some kicks to your cocktails and shots.
  • Sweet and Sour Mix: Sour Mix is a simple syrup made from combining lemon and lime juice and water and sugar. It throws in a refreshing taste in your drink.
  • Jim Beam: You can substitute this with your favorite whiskey or bourbon
  • Tequila: You can add in the Tequila of your choice as an additional flavor. For instance, for the recipe above, you can use white Tequila.

Other Ingredients for spicing up your drink: you can choose any of the following items to make your drink more flavorful

  • Schnapps: Schnapps can be confused with liquors because of their fruity flavor. It is made by fermenting fruit juices together with the base liquor.
  • Apple Pucker: Apple schnapps tastes like green apple candy.
  • Pineapple Juice: Adds a fruity tropical punch to your liquid marijuana drink. You can use it as part of the ingredients for the procedure described above.

Other Recipes

As with the recipe for the liquid marijuanas shot discussed above, the preparation is pretty much the same. All you need to do is fill up the glass, shake very well and serve the drink.

#1 Liquid Marijuanas Cocktail

  • 1/2 Ounce whiskey or bourbon
  • 1/2 Ounce of tequila
  • 1/2 Ounce Of blue curacao
  • 1/2 Ounce apple schnapps
  • A measure of sweet and sour mix
  • 1/2 ounce pineapple juice

#2 Liquid Marijuanas Cocktail

  • 1/4 ounce of spiced rum
  • 1/4 ounce of coconut rum
  • 1/4 ounce of melon liqueur
  • 1/4 ounce of blue curacao
  • 1/4 ounce of lemon juice
  • 1/4 ounce of pineapple juice
  • 1/4 ounce of simple syrup

#3 Liquid Marijuanas Cocktail

  • Two ½ ounces sweet and sour mix
  • Two ½ ounce pineapple juice
  • ½ ounce Malibu rum
  • 1/2 ounce light rum
  • 1/2 ounce apple schnapps
  • 1/2 ounce blue curacao
A woman drinking a liquid marijuanas drink in a glass through a straw

How To Make A Liquid Marijuanas Shot

To make a strong liquid marijuana shot, cannabis is infused into a small amount of liquid. This is a basic liquid marijuana shot recipe:


Cannabis tincture or vodka/rum
Optional flavored syrup or juice

Select your cannabis-infused alcohol

You can buy cannabis-infused booze or manufacture your own by infusing vodka or rum. If producing your own, decarboxylate your cannabis (bake it at a low temperature to activate the THC) and steep it in alcohol for a few weeks, shaking the bottle periodically.

Measure ingredients

The THC content of your cannabis tincture or infused alcohol will determine the potency of your shot. Use the right amount of cannabis tincture or infused alcohol per shot.

Add flavored syrup or juice

To hide the cannabis taste, mix the tincture or infused alcohol with flavored syrup or juice. Citrus or berry flavors enhance cannabis' herbal taste.

Shake or stir

Mix cannabis tincture or infused alcohol with flavored syrup or juice in a shot glass. To incorporate, whisk or shake the mixture with a spoon.

Serve cold

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marijuana extraction course - Johanna Rose
Makes $24.50 @ THC +

Serving the liquid marijuana shot cold improves taste. Try freezing the shot glass or adding ice cubes to the concoction before serving.

Enjoy responsibly

Drink liquid marijuana shots sensibly, especially if you don't know your tolerance. Take a modest dose and wait to experience the effects before taking more. Never drink or operate heavy machinery while high on cannabis.

Store well

To maintain potency, store leftover cannabis tincture or infused alcohol in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight. Label everything clearly and keep it away from kids and pets.

Karen Getchell, expert cannabis writer
Karen Getchell

Karen gained expertise in developing training programs and technical documentation as a Senior Editor at Cisco Systems. She began her journey in cannabis as a patient, searching for a way to heal herself. When she perfected a method for making cannabis oil, other patients began to seek her out. An early adopter of CBD medicine, she started her CBD-infused-products business in 2014. Over the last two decades, Karen has taught hundreds of patients and caregivers how to select strains, infuse oils, and extract cannabinoids.

When she isn’t teaching cannabis cooking classes, Karen works as a cannabis business consultant, writes for online cannabis publications like Cannabis Training University, Leafly, and Weedmaps, and runs a CBD-infused-product business.

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