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Growing marijuana can be tricky for an inexperienced cultivator. There are many different environmental factors that impact a plant’s growth.

Strains also differ in how heat-resistant they might be especially when grown in hot climates like Florida or Southern California.

There are telltale signs of cannabis heat stress. Be proactive about inspecting your plants so you can reverse heat stress in a matter of days rather than weeks. Stress on plants can take weeks to recover which is why prevention is the best antidote.

What Is Cannabis Heat Stress?

Cannabis heat stress has some signs that can easily be identified by experienced cultivators. The following are signs your marijuana plants have heat stress impacting them:

  • The flowers turning up along with the leaves.
  • There could be curling of the leaves even without burns at the end of the leaves.
  • The ends of your leaves could be dying. Keep in mind that heat stress is more common when the growing environment lacks humidity.
  • The flowering stage and heat stress are far more damaging due to new leaves not being as prevalent.

How To Fix Cannabis Heat Stress

Once you have identified cannabis heat stress in your plants, it is time to start making changes. It is important to understand the difference between marijuana light stress and heat stress as they can appear to be similar.

Changing your watering pattern can make a difference as evaporation of the water should be complete before peak light hours. Indoors you just need to change the time you water and it should fix it. Outdoors there could be fluctuation in temperature due to the weather which needs to be accounted for. Water during dusk if outside or early in the morning as you will see a difference immediately. 

There could be a chance that the tent that you are growing in doesn’t have enough room. Everyone wants to maximize their yield which can lead to stuffing grow tents and decreasing the quality of each plant. Ventilation along with fans are going to be of paramount importance. People try to keep energy use down when hiding a grow but ventilation and temperature control are of incredible importance.

Seaweed kelp supplements can help cool the roots of a plant so investing in this would be wise. This helps protect against overheating so this could be the one investment that solves your overheating issues.

Change pots to a ceramic option as this can help reduce heat when compared to those black plastic pots that are commonly used. Insulating the pot can be a great idea as you want to keep the roots of the plant cool. Covering the roots or keeping them out of direct sunlight is also important.

Hydroponic growers also have to worry about heat stress which might be a surprise to some. Root rot can occur if termperatures are too high in the space you are growing in. This can lead to plants dying which is the worst result as there will be zero yields which provides a negative ROI.

The most important thing that you can do for cannabis heat stress is pay extra attention to the plants impacted. Think of this as a sick plant that you have to nurse to health. You want to try to prevent heat stress in the first place as this can make your growing project much more difficult.

Growing The Best Marijuana Of Your Cultivation Career

Growing marijuana takes experience if you are expecting to grow premium quality bud. This can take a person a number of crops that didn’t have the expected results.

Controlling certain variables when growing indoors is the name of the game as outdoor grows are more susceptible to issues due to environmental change.

Luis Cordova
Luis Cordova

Luis Cordova is a distinguished author, and renowned expert in cannabis cultivation, who possesses a Master's degree in Plant Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Science. As a valued contributor to highly esteemed publications such as Cannabis Training University and Maximum Yield Magazine, Luis has emerged as a trusted source of guidance and knowledge in the cannabis industry. Having written thousands of informative articles, Luis is widely recognized for his comprehensive expertise on cultivating cannabis, both indoors and outdoors.

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